Discover the novelty, What is 5G and when is 5G coming to Botswana? (5G e tla leng?)

You just recently bought a new smartphone and it says 5G on it, but hey there is no 5G in Botswana, when is 5g coming to Botswana? As a matter of fact, we also want to know what is 5G and how can it improve our lives as a motswana.

What is 5G?

5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks. 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects, and devices.

So what is 5g? In a more technical sense, 5G brings three new aspects to the table: greater speed (to move more data), lower latency (to be more responsive), and the ability to connect a lot more devices at once (smart homes with smart devices). Are you excited about 5G already and want to know when is 5G coming to Botswana (5G e tla leng), read to find out.

Who Invented 5G

No one company or person owns 5G, but there are several companies within the mobile ecosystem that are contributing to bringing 5G to life. Qualcomm has played a major role in inventing the many foundational technologies that drive the industry forward and make up 5G, the next wireless standard.

When will 5G be Implemented

5G technology began in 2008. The earliest 5G deployments have used fixed wireless, like the wireless broadband used at home due to the adoption of millimetre wave technology which require multiple small celled towers in an area rather than a single traditional cellular tower. Homes in Botswana will some day have access to 5g, discover when is 5g coming to Botswana (5G e tla leng).

The installation of several towers to cover a small area require huge capital investment and time. By 2020, a considerable number of people were using 5G across the globe. According to Ericsson, a company that makes some of the cellular infrastructure, there will be over 1.5 billion of us connected to 5G by 2024. Find out when is 5g coming to Botswana here

When is 5G coming to Botswana?

In February 2022, Mascom announced that it had began rolling out its implementation of 5G connectivity in Gaborone, Botswana. Mascom plans to have over 111 5G sites installed across the country by the end of 2022. 5G is here already in Botswana. One can expect speeds of up to 2500 MB downstream.

5G in Botswana was launched in February 2022 by Mascom Wireless and will have 111 sites across Botswana by End of 2022.

Mascom CEO Dzene Makhwade-Seboni said: ‘Connectivity drives socioeconomic digital transformation and, with its unprecedented connectivity capabilities, 5G will take us and our society to a whole new level. It is bound to revolutionise industries and enhance customer experience and advance us as a nation.’

Other network operators in Botswana such as Orange and Botswana are following suite with a rollout of 4.5G the precursor technology to 5G. It is expected that other ISPs will adopt 5G in their internet connectivity networks.

Where will 5G be Implemented

The global rat race for implementing 5G is on! With fierce competition among most of the countries, experiencing 5 G will soon come out from theory to reality. The super powers have already implemented test phases in a few cities with others not lagging behind.

The following countries have initiated 5G with a limited scope:

  1. USA
  2. China
  3. Russia
  4. UK
  5. France

Countries like South Korea, Germany, Japan have also started investing heavily in 5g infrastructure.

African countries with 5G connectivity

The African countries which have rolled out 5G connectivity include South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria and Botswana. Other African Countries that are about to roll out 5G include, Zimbabwe, Gabon, Lesotho, Uganda, Egypt and Morocco. Find out when is 5g coming to Botswana here

Why 5G?

Companies are racing to have the fastest or largest 5G networks. And countries are competing to be the first to deploy fully functional, nationwide 5G. That’s because the benefits of the new technology are expected to fuel transformative new technologies, not just for consumers but also for businesses, infrastructure and defense applications. Find out when is 5g coming to Botswana here

How is 5G better than 4G

There are several reasons that 5G will be better than 4G:

• 5G is significantly faster than 4G
• 5G has more capacity than 4G
• 5G has significantly lower latency than 4G
• 5G is a unified platform that is more capable than 4G
• 5G uses spectrum better than 4G
Find out when is 5g coming to Botswana here (5G e tla leng)

How and when will 5G affect the Global Economy?

 5G is driving global growth.

• $13.1 Trillion dollars of global economic output
• $22.8 Million new jobs created
• $265B global 5G CAPEX and R&D annually over the next 15 years

Through a landmark 5G Economy study, we found that 5G’s full economic effect will likely be realized across the globe by 2035—supporting a wide range of industries and potentially enabling up to $13.1 trillion worth of goods and services.

Companies are racing to have the fastest or largest 5G networks. And countries are competing to be the first to deploy fully functional, nationwide 5G. That’s because the benefits of the new technology are expected to fuel transformative new technologies, not just for consumers but also for businesses, infrastructure and defense applications. Find out when 5g is coming to Botswana here

How do consumers use 5G?

The average consumer is expected use close to 11 GB of data per month on their smartphone in 2022. This is driven by explosive growth in video traffic as mobile is increasingly becoming the source of media and entertainment, as well as the massive growth in always-connected cloud computing and experiences.

4G completely changed how we consume information. In the past decade we have witnessed leaps and bounds in the mobile app industry around services such as video streaming, ride sharing, food delivery and more.

5G will expand the mobile ecosystem to new industries. This will contribute to cutting-edge user experiences such as boundless extreme reality (XR), seamless IoT capabilities, new enterprise applications, local interactive content and instant cloud access, to name a few. Find out when is 5g coming to Botswana here (5G e tla leng)

Benefits of 5G to Businesses

1. Remote Working

You can connect your business mobiles to your phone system. Currently mobile users must rely on 4G LTE communications. Whilst 4G is adequate for most businesses, 5G will dramatically improve these remote working conditions, enabling businesses and staff to maintain fast, efficient communications across the board with almost no latency. Find out when is 5g coming to Botswana here

2. Rural Connectivity Innovation

5G May be able to provide businesses in rural locations with very fast and reliable broadband connectivity. Many rural businesses across the Botswana suffer from poor speeds or unreliable broadband connectivity. Fixed lines bring slow speeds and often, fibre is unavailable to these businesses, so there is nothing they can do about their slower speeds. However, 5G is set to change that. Businesses ‘out in the sticks’ could, theoretically, utilize a new 5G network to improve their businesses fixed line connectivity, streamline their workflow, and reduce broadband costs. Find out when is 5g coming to Botswana here

3. Automation

Businesses could benefit from increased automation using a 5G network. This is a great benefit for manufacturing or industrial businesses who may be able to automate certain parts of their production line. Robotics and automated machines can use 5G to communicate to one another using the Internet of Things (IoT).

4. Enhanced Communication

Another benefit of 5G for businesses is better ‘on the road’ communications. Many businesses have staff that are out and about daily. With 5G, these staff members could easily work from wherever they are in the Botswana – taking their communications with them. The main benefit of 5G is the speed. Higher speeds of 1Gbps allows remote staff to easily upload, download and communicate with head office, without the need for a Wi-Fi connection.

Although 4G does already support this kind of mobile working, it can be slow and this may lead to poor productivity and stifled workflow for remote workers. 5G aims to remove latency and increase speeds for seamless mobile working. Find out when is 5g coming to Botswana here

 5. It can make your sales channels more productive

Giving your sales people a higher-bandwidth connection to the office and to customers will enhance their ability to sell online. They might use augmented or virtual reality to provide more immersive experiences for customers. On the employee training side, one benefit of 5G for business is that these new ways of communicating make it possible to train people in exciting new ways. With all that said, do check out the links below for the most amazing deals in town for smartphones with 5G connectivity. Find out when is 5g coming to Botswana here

Discover 5G Devices you can get today!

Here is a list of the 5 Best 5G Devices you can get today online on the Skymart marketplace.

Apple iPhone 12 5G

a great all round 5G capable device

Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G

Flagship Android device with 5G

Samsung Galaxy A52 5G

Mid Ranged 5G smartphone

Honor 50 5G

A great designed 5G smarphone

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