The Youth Development Fund helps aspiring youth achieve their goals

The Botswana Youth Development Fund (YDF) is a socio-economic programme for start-ups and expanding businesses that falls under the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport and Culture (MYSC). YDF was introduced in the financial year 2009/10 as an economic empowerment programme meant to assist aspiring youth to venture into various economic enterprises funded at 50% loan & 50% grant. MYSC works in collaboration with other stakeholders such as Local Enterprise Authority (LEA) to build the spirit of entrepreneurship and other government ministries and parastatals who offer technical support. LEA works closely with entrepreneurs or SMMEs to develop business concepts into reality. It provides mentoring from the basic business plan to daily management plans, and training in skills to ensure that the business owner can make good decisions and achieve a success.

Youth Development Fund aims to

  • Promote active participation of youth in the socio-economic development of the country
  • Encourage the out of school, marginalized, unemployed and underemployed youth to venture into sustainable and viable income generating projects
  • Promote the development of competitive, sustainable and growth-oriented citizen owned youth enterprises
  • Reduce rural-urban migration by making it attractive to start growth-oriented enterprises in rural areas.
  • Create sustainable employment opportunities for young people through the development of sustainable projects.

Who is eligible?

  • Botswana citizens aged 18-35 years
  • Out-of-school youth
  • Unemployed youth
  • Underemployed youth earning less than P2 500/month
  • Youth cooperatives comprising of 5-10 members
  • Existing youth businesses: self-funded and funded through other government schemes such as LIMID, Poverty Eradication, Out of school youth grant whose businesses have operated for 6 months and above

How do I get this service?

  • Call for applications is done annually between May and June.
  • Download the Youth Development Fund application form from the government website, or get them from the nearest MYSC District Office.

What supporting documents are required?

  • A cash-flow forecast statement covering all revenue and expenditure for a period of 12 months
  • Business Plan outlining the idea, how it will work, the market and the management of the project
  • Three (3) sets of quotations covering all items included in the proposed budget
  • A copy of valid license of operation or trade licence (where applicable)
  • Certified copies of valid national identity document (Omang) for all business partners
  • A letter of intent to lease or lease agreement in cases of operating businesses or proof of ownership thereof
  • Curriculum Vitae of all members/partners
  • Certified copies of vocational and or academic certificates or traceable references (where applicable)
  • Copy of partnership deed, or cooperative constitution, or memorandum and articles of association (where applicable)
  • Company resolutions for loan application
  • Succession plan
  • CIPA Certificates of business registration and shareholder’s certificate should show full details (i.e. names and ages) of members. (Form 2 & 5 listing Company Directors)
  • Proof of market (letters of intent to buy from potential customers, market research report)
  • The expert consultation form should be part of the YDF form as a guide to youth to consult with the relevant experts that are in line with their proposed projects (where applicable)
  • For married applicants (in community of property) there should be written consent from the spouse
  • ITC clearance report upon approval and this should be provided by the applicant
  • Applicants to provide documents confirming suitability of the proposed project site

How long will this service take? The turn around time for processing applications is Forty-five (45) working days.

How much does it cost? No cost.

You can even submit online now. Online Submissions for YDF

Where can I get more information on this Service

All Ministry District offices

Tel. (+267) 3682600

Fax. (+267) 3913473

Toll Free No. 0800 600 883

Facebook Page: MyscBW

Twitter Page: @myscbw

Instagram Page: myscbw


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