How to buy prepaid electricity with FNB Cellphone Banking in Botswana with 10 easy steps

If you are a First National Bank Botswana customer you are able to buy prepaid electricity with FNB Cellphone banking. Below we will details the steps on how to buy electricity.

How to buy prepaid electricity with FNB the easy way with 10 these steps

  1. Open up your phone app on your android or iphone device
  2. Dial *130*321# and hit call
  3. Enter your PIN
  4. Select Prepaid
  5. Select Recharge
  6. Select Electricity
  7. Select account to pay with
  8. Enter your meter number
  9. Select Prepaid amount
  10. Confirm purchase
  11. Voucher code will be displayed followed with SMS confirmation

Reka motlakase ka FNB cellphone banking

If you are looking for how to get emergency electricity credit (kolota motlakase) click here.

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